


Yield3.23 %Won341
Stake2.21SportIce hockey
Benefit47.00 UTS



Most of the PRE forecasts are offered on the service. We will always try to notify you sufficiently in advance to be able to place bets. In the case of LIVE, it would also be notified so that there is no variation in quota or line.

There may be forecasts throughout the week from 11:00 to 02:00.

Followability is high, since the picks are available in the vast majority of online bookies. You will also be able to verify that the service has a large number of forecasts available in physical bookies. Match Winner Betting picks can be tracked on all bookies, as well as Asian Handicap, overs/unders and LIVE picks.

The stake I use goes from 0 to 5. The average stake is around 2 and the number of monthly picks will vary depending on the competitions, but it is between 60-90 monthly picks.


Statistics by Month
01202465.06 UTS50.85 %2.111.66420ice hockey
12202352-3.28 UTS-4.15 %1.871.5228240ice hockey
112023753.04 UTS2.14 %1.861.8941340ice hockey
0420231213.63 UTS1.27 %1.952.3662590ice hockey
032023152-24.74 UTS-6.69 %1.942.4369830ice hockey
02202313822.15 UTS5.94 %1.952.7074640ice hockey
0120236116.58 UTS8.59 %1.953.1633280ice hockey
1220225424.56 UTS23.39 %2.211.9430240ice hockey
Statistics by Stake
1.5212202352-3.28 UTS-4.15 %1.8728240ice hockey
1.6601202465.06 UTS50.85 %2.11420ice hockey
1.89112023753.04 UTS2.14 %1.8641340ice hockey
1.941220225424.56 UTS23.39 %2.2130240ice hockey
2.360420231213.63 UTS1.27 %1.9562590ice hockey
2.43032023152-24.74 UTS-6.69 %1.9469830ice hockey
2.7002202313822.15 UTS5.94 %1.9574640ice hockey
3.160120236116.58 UTS8.59 %1.9533280ice hockey
Statistics by Odds
1.86112023753.04 UTS2.14 %1.8941340ice hockey
1.8712202352-3.28 UTS-4.15 %1.5228240ice hockey
1.94032023152-24.74 UTS-6.69 %2.4369830ice hockey
1.950420231213.63 UTS1.27 %2.3662590ice hockey
1.950120236116.58 UTS8.59 %3.1633280ice hockey
1.9502202313822.15 UTS5.94 %2.7074640ice hockey
2.1101202465.06 UTS50.85 %1.66420ice hockey
2.211220225424.56 UTS23.39 %1.9430240ice hockey
Statistics by Type
ice hockey1220225424.56 UTS23.39 %2.211.9430240
ice hockey0420231213.63 UTS1.27 %1.952.3662590
ice hockey032023152-24.74 UTS-6.69 %1.942.4369830
ice hockey0120236116.58 UTS8.59 %1.953.1633280
ice hockey02202313822.15 UTS5.94 %1.952.7074640
ice hockey112023753.04 UTS2.14 %1.861.8941340
ice hockey01202465.06 UTS50.85 %2.111.66420
ice hockey12202352-3.28 UTS-4.15 %1.871.5228240
Finished picks